SEN in School
Below you can find various documents on how children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities SEN -D), are supported at school. You can find links to websites and outside agencies that parents may find of use.
If you have any questions relating to a childs SEN needs, the school SENCo is Mrs Jenna Clements and can be contacted at
Our SEND and Inclusion policy can be viewed here.
Useful Websites
- Disability Sport Colchester Disability4Sport provide a wide range of sporting opportunities and activities that are aimed at engaging and empowering disabled people of all ages and abilities, with the intention of improving physical health and mental well-being
- Autism Anglia Supporting children and Families with Autism
- SEND Information, Advice and Support Service We help you if you’re a parent or carer, or a child or young person who needs information, advice and support about special educational needs and disability issues. We offer impartial and confidential support over the telephone or in person around educational issues.
- The Maze Group The MAZE is a unique approach, which offers an insight into how children with additional needs experience the world around them.
- The Ministry of Parenting Asking for help on parenting skills, or just confirming you are doing the right thing, does not make someone a bad parent. Parenting programmes are more about learning from each other and being given the tools and advice to make any changes
Support Agencies