Pupil Premium Funding
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.
Our Pupil Premium Grant Report seen below, explain in details how Holy Trinity uses this money and also has evidence of impact monitoring.
The aim of the Pupil Premium funding is to support eligible children who may be vulnerable to under-achievement and address any attainment gaps. As well as focusing upon academic endeavours, it may also be appropriate to provide support to nurture their well-being and to provide these children with access to a variety of enriching experiences.
PPG Information for Holy Trinity
All members of staff, governors and teaching assistants accept responsibility for ‘socially disadvantaged’ pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within the school environment. Holy Trinity is committed to ‘diminishing the difference’ between vulnerable pupils and the pupil premium forms a vital part of that process. The governors reserve the right to allocate the pupil premium funding to support any pupils or groups of pupils that the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
Provision will be made through:
• Facilitating pupils’ access to education
• Facilitating pupils’ access to the curriculum
• Alternative support and intervention within the school
Reporting Pupil Premium
It is the responsibility of the governors to explain pupil premium expenditure to parents in the form of an annual statement. There is no set format for the report of pupil premium. Holy Trinity C of E Primary School will publish details of a report online annually from September 2017. This report aims to detail information on how Pupil Premium has been used within school. This report will detail the attainment and progress of pupils who are covered by the premium and the intervention that has been supported by the additional funding. Reports will also detail the progress made towards narrowing the gap and this will be supported by reported data and academic progress. Regular reports will be presented on the progress of pupils supported by Pupil Premium to the Governing Body at Holy Trinity C of E Primary School.
Reporting to Parents
Parents will be able to obtain information on the pupil premium via the school’s website. This will be update annually.
Responsibility for reporting
The responsibility for the report will be allocated to the Head Teacher and School Buisiness Manager. This report will be supported by key providers such as the Deputy Head and Senior Leader, who will be asked to report on the intervention in place for key pupils and the impact that intervention, has had.