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The Colchester Primary Schools’ Curriculum

The Colchester Primary schools in the LIFE Education Trust are: Chappel Church of England Primary School, Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, Fordham All Saints Primary School and Langenhoe Community Primary School.

Our Curriculum is based on the 2014 National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 & 2 and the Early Years 2021 framework in Reception and is underpinned by the LIFE Curriculum Framework which applies to all our LIFE schools.

Our schools collaborate with one another, to learn from one another, to build upon best practice and ensure consistency of experience and high standards for all pupils in LIFE schools.


Mission, Beliefs, Vision and Values

At LIFE Education Trust, our Mission is “everyone flourishes.”

As with all our work, our Values are evident in our curriculum. They are: 

Courageous Optimism:

It takes courage to hope for a better future. We champion a ‘can do’ attitude and encourage our pupils and staff to tackle challenges with resilience and perseverance as they reach for ambitious targets.

Boundless Creativity:

Through captivating discoveries in the classroom and eye-opening adventures in the outside world, we give pupils freedom and promote varied learning experiences which stimulate innovation and develop adaptability.

Heartfelt Compassion:

We show love and respect to each member of our community as we nurture a powerful collective spirit. In humility we embrace difference and individuality, show forgiveness when necessary and are united by compassion.


Each of the Colchester Primary Schools has a vision and where relevant this reflects their status as a Church of England Voluntary Controlled school.

These are:

Fordham All Saints Primary School

‘All things are possible to those who believe;’ (Mark 9:23)


Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

‘To Flourish and Grow.’

‘Through God’s Love, we are the rich soil where seeds flourish and roots grow.’ (Luke 8:4-15)


Chappel Church of England Primary School

‘Be Strong and Courageous’


‘Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord God will be with you wherever you go.’ (Joshua 1:9)


Langenhoe Community Primary School

‘Everyone Flourishes’

Belong, Achieve, Contribute.

Each vision was written with the Trust’s Mission, Beliefs and Principles in mind. The school values also feed into each of the visions.


Principles and Intent (Including SMSC)

Our curriculum is the foundation for what happens in each of our schools. It is not just about what is taught in lessons and nor is it simply about subject content. Our curriculum is driven by our LIFE mission and beliefs and built upon eight key principles which ensure that all our pupils, regardless of their backgrounds:

  1. learn valuable knowledge
  2. are taught the skills to read well
  • experience, understand and value creativity
  1. acquire vital cultural capital
  2. understand and maintain good physical health and mental wellbeing
  3. develop the skills to be lifelong learners
  • are fully prepared to carry out their roles as valued citizens in all aspects of life in Modern Britain having developed an understanding of themselves and others
  • achieve excellent outcomes in national tests and examinations

These principles are shown in our Curriculum Wheel, which is part of our Mechanics of Education approach:

We provide a knowledge rich curriculum which is broad, balanced and ambitious. The EYFS Framework and National Curriculum are covered in their entirety. The curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced so that it spirals with ever increasing levels of challenge and independence. Subjects plan schemes of learning to enable pupils to acquire mastery. The curriculum provides areas of learning and experience of the aesthetic and creative, human and social, linguistic and literary, mathematical, moral, physical, scientific, and technological.

The skills to read well are developed across the curriculum. Subjects promote and support reading through a range of strategies from teaching phonics, whole class reading, group reading and individual reading. Children are taught discrete phonics lessons in EYFS and Key Stage 1 and reading is taught daily throughout all schools. Reading is also promoted in assemblies, book clubs, libraries and through the celebration of World Book Day.

The curriculum, as a whole, along with the extra-curricular offer is designed to ensure that pupils have the cultural capital they need to succeed in life. The schools teach the required amount of PE each week and participation in sporting events are regularly planned and encouraged. We also offer bespoke nurture and counselling programmes to those who need it and aim to promote high levels of confidence and self-esteem and every available opportunity.

As we believe in developing the whole child, we explore children’s talents and provide them with as much access to enrichment as possible. Children are given the opportunities to attend extra-curricular clubs and events such as sports tournaments. We also encourage them to perform in front of large audiences to build their resilience. Alongside this, the schools also celebrate events together throughout the school year. Children in Year 5/6 attend a residential trip every two years. Cultural capital is acquired at every opportunity.

In the Colchester Primary Schools, there is a commitment to the spiritual, moral, cultural, social, mental and physical development of each child. Schools which are voluntary controlled by the Church of England have a strong relationship with their local Church and aim to develop children into moral and valued citizens through prayer, collective worship and church services All schools engage with the community and enhance the Curriculum with projects and experiences which are offered by their unique location.

Providing the children with these experiences means they are able to understand themselves and others better as well as prepare them for life in Modern Britain.

Organisation and Planning

Mostly, our classes are taught in mixed year groups after EYFS, so children in Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6 are taught in the same classroom. Therefore, our curriculum works on a two-year cycle: Year A and Year B. Children will by the end of each Key Stage they will have completed what is required of the National Curriculum.

It is delivered using a variety of approaches and resources depending on the nature of the subject being taught and the needs of the children. We have a termly focus so that pupils are immersed in a topic each term. The engaging curriculum and linked enrichment opportunities mean each child acquires vital cultural capital at each stage of their primary education. Where possible the unique qualities of each setting are utilised.


 Separate subject overview documents are available for:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • RE
  • PE
  • Music
  • History
  • Geography
  • Computing
  • PSHE and SRE
  • MFL (French)
  • Art
  • Design Technology

Each subject’s skills progression is carefully planned from the EYFS up to Year 6 and has a subject overview document to show this clearly. This ensures that the children learn the valuable knowledge required for their age.

The schools have collaboratively developed clear long, medium and short term plans which ensure that every teacher understands the curriculum intent of what is taught when and why, and that they are empowered to deliver creative and engaging lessons that secure pupil progression throughout the key stages.


Each year group/subject have:

Long-term plans provide a curriculum map, or overview, that articulates the rationale for the sequencing of the curriculum, so that every teacher knows not only what they are teaching, but how the knowledge and skills will build upon prior learning and will be developed in future years to ensure progression.

Medium-term plans provide the schemes of work that deliver on the curriculum intent and ensure smooth progression and high aspiration for all pupils. They clearly articulate the expected outcomes and success criteria, key vocabulary to be learnt, and a range of creative activities and resources to provide and innovative learning experiences for both in and out of the classroom. Cross-curricular links are also identified when appropriate.

These plans are not restricted to National Curriculum subject content; they also outline the progression in pupils’ cultural and creative opportunities and their character development.

Short-term plans provide teachers with a range of pedagogical approaches to deliver exciting lessons that ensure the progression of the curriculum, even for less experienced teachers. 


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At the Colchester Primary Schools, we teach our curriculum to all pupils, regardless of their ability. We provide learning opportunities matched to the individual needs of each pupil, including those who are more able or have learning difficulties. When planning the delivery of the curriculum and providing feedback to pupils, any EHCP (Educational, Health and Care Plan) IEP (Individual Educational Plan) and SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) are, where relevant, referred to.

In order to provide all pupils with relevant and appropriate work at each stage, we:

  • Set suitable learning challenges
  • Respond to pupils’ diverse needs
  • Endeavour to overcome potential barriers to learning

Learning is planned and adapted to enable children to broaden, deepen and accelerate their understanding and development of skills and knowledge. Children are challenged to think at depth and deepen their learning across the curriculum.

There is also a commitment to ensuring children are exposed to beliefs, cultures and religions that are different to their own. This is done through celebrating festivals in other cultures, collective worship, the topics studied and exposing children to literature from a wide range of authors and contexts.

Curriculum Plan 2023-24





Subject Progression






Design Technology




